It begins today....11.23.11

Well, here goes nothing... here goes everything. I am beginning my blog today in an effort to hold myself accountable to "Ship" on a regular basis (using marketing and self-managing expert, Seth Godin's verbage). I will be posting links to excerpts of music that I have been creating each week, and talking about what has inspired me in leu of the particular musical piece I have been working on. I'm just in the process of converting this website (previously focusing on selling Jingles) into a more holistic expression of what and who I am as an artist. Enjoy. Here is the first link... a little ditty called "Praise the Lord with Me." which was written two years ago with my brother as a writing exercise. We started with a simple beat and lead guitar part, and then each added different instruments and lyrics. Mine turned into a corporate praise song. We later recorded the drums with David Power of local band, Meridene and Dunkan Ninja, and laid down the other tracks to fulfill a concept for our worship team.